Ludovico Pur­gatori


Ludovico is an Itali­an-Ger­man writer, dir­ect­or and pro­du­cer. After start­ing out as assist­ant dir­ect­or for films and series such as GOMOR­RAH, SENSES8 and SUB­URRA, he transitioned as script advisor and second unit dir­ect­or on SICARIO: DAY OF THE SOLDADO, THE LEGEND OF RED HAND (Cam­pari short film), ZEROZEROZERO and WITHOUT REMORSE. In 2022 he foun­ded the pro­duc­tion com­pany ALTEREGO along­side Itali­an dir­ect­or Stefano Sol­lima, co-pro­du­cing his film ADAGIO (2023), which was selec­ted in the main com­pet­i­tion of the 80th Venice Film Festival.

Recent Credits:

  • Sicario: Day of the Soldado (Feature Film)
  • Campari - Legend of Red Hands (Short Film)
  • ZeroZeroZero (Tv Series)
  • Without Remorse (Feature Film)
  • Adagio (Feature Film)


Italian, English, German, Spanish
