Alex­an­dre Manneville


After gradu­at­ing from the l’ESAV film school, Alex­an­dre writes for many anim­ated series (Kaeloo for Canal+ – Kid­screen Award 2011) and serves as a head writer as well (Teen Crum­pets – Pul­cinella Award 2018). In 2016, he received devel­op­ment money from CNC for the mys­tery-peri­od drama series Black Times, developed at Seri­al Eyes. He’s been hired to write on the French adapt­a­tion of the Israeli series In Treat­ment.

Recent Credits:

  • The Quest of Ewilan, creator and adapter, Andarta Pictures, France
  • Ghost Force, head writer, Zagtoon, Disney, TF1, France
  • En Thérapie, staff writer, ARTE, Les Films du Poisson, France


French, English, Spanish (limited working proficiency)
